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  • She would become known, under the name Mary Shelley, for her novel Frankenstein; or,

    Londonist 2010

  • In spite of this, many people don't know that a nineteen year old woman called Mary Shelley wrote the original book.

    Dr. Irene S. Levine: Friends, Monsters, Lovers: Bringing Mary Shelley Out of the Shadows 2010

  • From this, we soon start to explore the earliest ideas of time and space, the creative rivalry with the French, and the impact of discovery on great writers and poets such as Mary Shelley and Keats.

    The Register 2009

  • See, for example, Julie K. Schuetz, 'Mary Shelley' s The Last Man: Monstrous Worlds, Domestic Communities, and Masculine Romantic Ideology ', Prometheus Unplugged: Graduate Student Conference on Romanticism, Emory University (Atlanta, GA), April 1996.

    Mary Shelley (1797-1851) 2008

  • Many full view titles, such as Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, don’t have the PDF option yet.

    Google Allows Downloads of out-of-copyright Books Michael Arrington 2005

  • Many full view titles, such as Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, don’t have the PDF option yet.

    2006 August Marshall Kirkpatrick 2005

  • What you get in Danny Boyle's production and Nick Dear's adaptation of Mary Shelley's mythic fable, with Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller alternating as Victor Frankenstein and the Creature, is neither shlock nor satire.

    Frankenstein - review 2011

  • Through him, she cultivated friendships with Wordsworth, Coleridge, Mary Shelley and other famous Romantics, and was a writer herself -- penning the well-received Tales from Shakespeare, Designed for the Use of Young Persons and other works.

    Carolyn Vega: Mary Lamb's Not-So-Gentle Madness Carolyn Vega 2011

  • Through him, she cultivated friendships with Wordsworth, Coleridge, Mary Shelley and other famous Romantics, and was a writer herself -- penning the well-received Tales from Shakespeare, Designed for the Use of Young Persons and other works.

    Carolyn Vega: Mary Lamb's Not-So-Gentle Madness Carolyn Vega 2011

  • Mary Shelley's story also throbs with a fierce sense of injustice: a cultivated French family is ruined by its defiance of government, the innocent suffer through Victor's divine presumption.

    Frankenstein - review 2011


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